$$$ Mo Money Mo Problems $$$ Mo Money Mo Problems $$$ Mo Money Mo Problems $$$

M. Ward - Chinese Translation

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Waving Justin Bieber Fans

I was driving down state street bouncin to Sheryal Crowe on the radio when my eyes became distracted by something odd. I've seen this before but I guess I never really gave it a good long look at how odd it really was. A simple trip to the Provo Towne Center became a journey within my mind to answer the vast question "Who invented the Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Man and was he or she a flat crazy person or a certified genius?"
Y'all go ahead, laugh. Chuckle at the ridiculousness of that question. Snicker at the fact that I don't post more intuitive thoughts. But before you start thinkin "Oh here goes Ryan again. Makin his jokes tryin get us laughin up a storm," just give me the benifit of the doubt and hear me out.
What in the name of heaven can be exciting about income taxes? H&R Block has nothin goin for it in the fun department what so ever. So yeah, of corse I'm gonna drive by right past it with out a second glance. But plant a thin vinyl tube man with arms, wavy hair and a painted on face in front of the building and you got yourself a second look instead of a drive by. But polish it off with a generated fan at it's feet so it can blow air up through it making it look as though it were a spoiled preteen flaying about at a Justin Bieber concert and now I might pull over to get me some income tax done!
So, tell me America, who's the crazy one?...

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