$$$ Mo Money Mo Problems $$$ Mo Money Mo Problems $$$ Mo Money Mo Problems $$$

M. Ward - Chinese Translation

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Waving Justin Bieber Fans

I was driving down state street bouncin to Sheryal Crowe on the radio when my eyes became distracted by something odd. I've seen this before but I guess I never really gave it a good long look at how odd it really was. A simple trip to the Provo Towne Center became a journey within my mind to answer the vast question "Who invented the Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Man and was he or she a flat crazy person or a certified genius?"
Y'all go ahead, laugh. Chuckle at the ridiculousness of that question. Snicker at the fact that I don't post more intuitive thoughts. But before you start thinkin "Oh here goes Ryan again. Makin his jokes tryin get us laughin up a storm," just give me the benifit of the doubt and hear me out.
What in the name of heaven can be exciting about income taxes? H&R Block has nothin goin for it in the fun department what so ever. So yeah, of corse I'm gonna drive by right past it with out a second glance. But plant a thin vinyl tube man with arms, wavy hair and a painted on face in front of the building and you got yourself a second look instead of a drive by. But polish it off with a generated fan at it's feet so it can blow air up through it making it look as though it were a spoiled preteen flaying about at a Justin Bieber concert and now I might pull over to get me some income tax done!
So, tell me America, who's the crazy one?...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Howdy Y'all

People look at me funny sometimes. Not like I care or nuffin. You're probably wondering where I'm goin with all this a'int chya? Just bare with me. I'm from a lil place called Salem, Utah. It's a relativity small town but it continues to grow. Why, we even gone and got our selves a da-burn Hikes School! And a mighty fancy one at that! Now even though I'm a small town boy and like Salem a lot I don't seem to fit in. It seems quite sill. It seems kinda queer, but I'll tell ya why so listen here... I talks kinda funny...
Now what does that mean exactly you say? Well, ya see in Utah, for some reason finds it funny to talk like a redneck. Now I'm not sayin that I'm a hill billy redneck. Its just the way I talks has some what of it's own personality that I likes keepin alive. So Utah, y'all jus gonna hav ta deal wiff it ight! hahahaha I think I started noticing all this when I started realizing that Utah is obsessed with saying "you guys."
"Hey are you guys going to the movies tonight?"
"What are you guys up to?"
"Hey You Guys!"
Its weird! I don't get it! And I admit, I've even fallen in to that trend for a long time till I went to Houston, Texas selling security (which I have yet to blog about). I was saying "you guys" a lot down in ol H-Town and people would call me on it all the time. Slowly I started to fall out of that. Not because I'm a conformist in any sense, but because of two wonderfully beautiful words that have been merged together... "Y'all!"
This simple word has changed my life y'all! Fo surius! Even though I use to say it lots when I lived in Tennessee when I was younger, it has reminded me that my heart misses the south and reminds me of simpler times. I'm not blogging bout this to explain myself to the state of Utah at all. I'm more advertising the way I talk so it can sell here in Utah. And if no one buys it than it'd be they loss! Who needs grammar when y'all understand what it is I'm sayin?! Come on Utah, live a lil y'all! Embrace your inner redneck!
Y'all Come Back Na Ya Here!

Moving On

I shouldn't be feeling this way. I always knew that this is how it'd have to be and yet, still I feel this way. Is it because deep down I've always had a small shred of hope? Some sort of little idea of how things will or should be? Is it because of how I've surrounded my self with this dream that it's become hard to wake up from? All I know is I've been living in a world where I didn't feel the need to think things through because I was happy. Because I was protected by my own hopes and dreams. But I can't keep going on like this, hoping and dreaming. It's time to move on and open my eyes.
Moving on to the fact that maybe I could find happiness again some where. Not in the same place but on newer ground. Maybe things could have been different, but cruel as it may sound I feel like this is a lesson from mistakes passed. If the past were a bit different maybe I wouldn't be feeling this way. Maybe I could be happy and living the life I should and have always wanted.
But I fear there is much for me to learn and happiness doesn't wait for the poor and selfish. It bides it's time to make it's way to us all until we are ready for it's arrival. It may peek around the corner at us to see where we stand but doesn't proceed to knock on our door just yet. It's up to us to set the table and warm the fire for it's visit after we enrich our poverty with knowledge and battle our selfishness with humility.
Are we ready? Am I? I wanted to be. Or maybe I only hoped so. But even though there is pain, what I feel I need to do now is set my mind right for happiness' next visit. So when the time comes, I'll be waiting for it with a smile on my face and open arms.

Weekly Brule's Rule

Raking Leaves