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M. Ward - Chinese Translation

Sunday, January 8, 2012

100 Things I Would Totally Do

Part - 1 of 4

The following is a list of things that I would Totally Do!

# - I'd do it for a job
$ - I'd do it for money
* - I'd do it for free
@ - I'd do it cause I can

# Design T-shirts.
# Kit-Kat taster.
$ Make paper air planes.
* Climb trees and read books.
@ Construct the largest blanket fort.
# Collect a band of misfit kids and start a baseball team.
@ Create an urban legend.
# Write nasty hate letters for people to send out so they don't have to.
* Get punched in the face by Bruce Willis.
@ Sing songs for deaf people.
#@ Point out sarcasm for people who can't themselves.
$ Give hugs.
* Eat Firehouse Subs.
* Go back in time and prevent the tv show "Firefly" from being canceled.
$ Kiss Jude Law.
$ Drink a gallon of milk in less than an hour.
# Watch crummy commercials, tv shows, and movies just to criticize them.
@# Give people nick names.
* Slap Keanu Reeves in the face.
* Start a large food fight.
* Watch "Friends" for a week straight.
# Make postcards of random pictures from around the country.
* Go back in time and prevent Drew Barrymore from ever acting. Except for "E.T.."
$ Talk like Nacho Libre all day.
* Talk like Arnold Schwarzenegger all day.

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