$$$ Mo Money Mo Problems $$$ Mo Money Mo Problems $$$ Mo Money Mo Problems $$$

M. Ward - Chinese Translation

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

*** KONY 2012 ***

It's been my life's dream to go somewhere, anywhere in Africa and do good. Weather that may be building schools, homes, bringing clothes, food, anything! Ever since I watched the movies "Blood Diamond" and "Hotel Rwanda" I was shaken. Stirred. I realized how little I knew of the world and decided to not allow that any more. What is happening in the world today is wrong and is down right disgusting. I've looked into programs to where I could help out, at least a little and I never had the money for it. So I've saved and I've worked and I've done what I could. Granted I could have done more. I could have tried harder but I always felt like I would some day reach my goal. I still really want to make that dream a reality. Now it may take me a long time. It will be hard and there are things that are standing in my way, but what goes on in the world is wrong and more important. It's hard to believe in something when you feel like only one person. But it dose make a difference, and I believe that this Invisible Children "Kony" campaign is trying to tell us.
When I woke up this morning I was so confused from all the "Kony 2012" posters that were on Facebook. I thought "Hey that Kony guy must be runnin for president." Yeah stupid I know. But the thing is the more and more I saw of it, the more I became curious. I've always known about children soldiers. In fact its the number one thing that tore me apart and made me discover my dream. But I never really knew who was responsible or how it was happening. I never really even thought that stopping anyone who was responsible was possible or even processed that it could be done. When I got on to the Invisible Children website and watched the "Kony 2012" video, which got over 4 million views in 2 days, I became so emotional that I just sat and cried for the children of Africa but also because of the hope that rose with in myself. The hope that I could be a part of something so big and wonderful, to bring justice to the ones who make our world an ugly one.
What is happening and has been happening in the Africa is wrong. That it has to be stopped! Joseph Kony is out there and knows that were looking for him. We all have the power to come together no matter who we are, what we do, where we go to church or what we take in our coffee; and bring him to justice. I believe in this cause and I know that I have the power to make a difference just as much as you do, and I am going to do what ever I can to make my voice heard.

Make it visible. Make it known. Make it end.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

100 Things I Would Totally Do

Part - 1 of 4

The following is a list of things that I would Totally Do!

# - I'd do it for a job
$ - I'd do it for money
* - I'd do it for free
@ - I'd do it cause I can

# Design T-shirts.
# Kit-Kat taster.
$ Make paper air planes.
* Climb trees and read books.
@ Construct the largest blanket fort.
# Collect a band of misfit kids and start a baseball team.
@ Create an urban legend.
# Write nasty hate letters for people to send out so they don't have to.
* Get punched in the face by Bruce Willis.
@ Sing songs for deaf people.
#@ Point out sarcasm for people who can't themselves.
$ Give hugs.
* Eat Firehouse Subs.
* Go back in time and prevent the tv show "Firefly" from being canceled.
$ Kiss Jude Law.
$ Drink a gallon of milk in less than an hour.
# Watch crummy commercials, tv shows, and movies just to criticize them.
@# Give people nick names.
* Slap Keanu Reeves in the face.
* Start a large food fight.
* Watch "Friends" for a week straight.
# Make postcards of random pictures from around the country.
* Go back in time and prevent Drew Barrymore from ever acting. Except for "E.T.."
$ Talk like Nacho Libre all day.
* Talk like Arnold Schwarzenegger all day.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

New Years Resolutions:

Blog more and in more depth...

Weekly Brule's Rule

Raking Leaves