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M. Ward - Chinese Translation

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Can't Sleep... The Church Is Too True!

Here I am. Wide awake at 12:40 in the morning. Sitting upright in my white dress shirt and tie, complete with blue suit and suspenders on my couch not wanting to go to bed. Why do you ask?... Because I don't want to stop feeling this way! My heart is racing, my stomach is bouncing, ears ringing, and bosom burning! I am bursting with emense joy from the top of my head all the way down to my Argyle dress socks. I can't sleep... because the church is too true!
Today was the 181st Semi Annual Priesthood Session for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The church that I proudly belong to and love so much. General Conference is the best ever! I like to think of it as the Mormon Super Bowl! There's the first session, the second session and the priesthood session which is like the half time show because it's the best part! Sorry ladies. If the church ever creates a Fantasy Conference League then I call President Monson as quarterback for my team! Jeffery R. Holland too. He'll play running back.
My Dad and I went to Salt Lake in the conference center for the session! It was so great! I love my Dad! That was probably my favorite moment I've ever had with my father. He was just so funny and I don't know... there! He always been a wonderful example and he's always cracked me up, but tonight he I got him all to myself! We talked, we laughed, we felt the spirit. He really is a great guy!
I'd like to share my notes I took on the session just in case you missed it.

181st General Priesthood Session
LDS Conference Center
Salt Lake City, Utah

Choir Conductor Brother Bill
SHHS Choir Director

Hymn - "Rise Up Oh Men Of God"

Hymn - "I Need Thee Every Hour"

1) Jeffery R. Holland

Satan is real
Eternally opposed against Christ

We are at war and I am a one man recruiter and get in your face a little like your sports coach. Singe your eyebrows.

Be on the team and stay on the team. Stop dribbling outta bounds.

Who ever you are and what ever you've done you can be forgiven.

More Missionaries! Enlist Now!

Personal Rev.: 2 Nephi "Rise from the dust"

"Haste to the battle. Quick to the field."


2) Keith B. McMullin

"Elder Holland, sign me up!"

Magnify your priesthood callings.

Strengthen your priesthood

Alma: "Repent and be born again"

Enjoy your youth but put away childish things.

Personal Rev.: "The natural man is an enemy of God"

"God hath not give the gift of fear but of power"

3) W. Christopher Waddlle

God knows what we need and where to go to be the best that we can be.

The Lord knows where a missionary should go.

"look the part, act the part."

Testimony of the Book of Mormon
Worthy of the Holy Ghost
Ready to work

Personal Rev.: I can feel the spirit telling me that the Lord has great works planned for me.

Hymn -"Rejoice, the Lord is King"

4) Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Self reliant and serving thy fellow man.

Love thy God and love thy neighbor.

"Do not think that this is some one else's responsibility. It is yours and it is mine. We are all enlisted."

"There's not one size fits all" for personal revelation and answers.

Personal Rev.: There are people I can reach out to who are poor spiritually and/or socially.

5) Henry B. Eyring

Am I prepared in the priesthood...

Work with all your heart, might, mind and strength.

The Lord will offer us opportunities but it depends on us if we are prepared for them.

The Lord is preparing us in every day life through every one we meet and everything we do.

Personal Rev.: The scriptures are a modern day leihona that can prepare and show the way.

Don't think about what you are or what you aren't, but what you can become through the Lord.

Oath and covenant

"Why are you sleeping?" - President Gordon B. Hinkley

God will magnify your strength and wisdom if you do all you can.

6) President Thomas S. Monson

We are brothers in the priesthood.

Moral dilemmas are not just individual and personal taste.

Personal Rev.: R rated movies...

Just because your morals maybe different than others doesn't mean you should be ashamed.

"The Navy wasn't trying to train me, they were trying to kill me!"
"I'm glad to be alive today."

Dare to be a Mormon.

"Where ever we go our priesthood goes with us. Are you standing on holy ground?"

There is a way back and the process is repentance.

Ye can not serve two masters.

Prepare your self now.

"Lady all I know about the Mormons is that they meet in that red brick building. Does any one on this bus know anything about the Mormons?"

If we may stand alone then let it be so that you may stand in the presents of the Lord.

Hold up the light for all the world to see.

Personal Rev.: I need to be the person that I know I can be and more importantly who I should be.

Hymn - "Come Ye Children of the Lord"

Personal thoughts of the session:

It seems the whole theme of the session was to remember who we are as members of the church so that we may bring others unto Christ. Almost like Mormon 101. Even in the first session of conference and with the technology we have today. It feels the Lord is wanting to expand more than ever in these latter days.

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